Saturday, November 24, 2007


Took the kids ice skating last night for the first time this year. They both did really well!


Friday, November 23, 2007

Farrel McWhiter Park

Farrel McWhirter Park is in the City of Redmond, not too far from our place. We took a drive to say "good morning" to the animals that make their home there.

The City converted the original silo to a lookout post for the kids.

This being the day after Thanksgiving I thought the kids should visit a turkey.

Carmen says hi to Aunt Mae, the baby goat.

Old-school technology but still as fun as ever.


Monday, November 12, 2007

Rainy days = Indoor activities

It's cold and rainy in our fair city, so a lot of our time is spent indoors these days. Thought I'd post a few pictures though so you could see the kids growing!

Story time:

Snuggle time:

Children's Museum: